What Is An Uncle?

An Uncle is a man that can always make you smile or laugh.

He is always willing to lend a hand when help is needed.

After moving away from all of your extended family in small town USA in Maryland to the burbs of Chicago, an Uncle is the one who takes his family on a 13+ hour road trip to visit your family’s new home for Thanksgiving. This begins a new tradition between the families… when someone moves, the two families have the first Thanksgiving together at the new home.

An Uncle along with your Father that forgets to open the fireplace damper and turns on the whole house fan… and begins to smoke out the entire house… on Thanksgiving.

An Uncle is a man that has you hunting down firewood in the back yard of his new home at Thanksgiving … all while he knows he has a gas fireplace… and sends you out twice… all for a good laugh.

An Uncle is one of the first people to call and offer help when your mom is diagnosed with cancer.

An Uncle invites you to go camping even when he knows you’re not “into” camping. Something you regret to this day.

An Uncle continues to smile and welcome your hug even when he is at his weakest and suffering from cancer.

An Uncle has raised children that check on your father after he is diagnosed with prostate cancer. All while their father is suffering from cancer that continues to spread. A testament to his character.

An Uncle stays strong long enough in the hospital for the doctors to send him home.

God knows when an Uncle is home, done fighting and knows his time has come.

You will be missed Uncle Charlie.

The Time Machine We Have Been Warned About

There is a time machine that all parents get on and they don’t even know it…

There is a time machine that we have been all warned about.

There is a time machine that does not stop.

There is a time machine that takes you to 1 year, 3 years, 5, 10 or even 20 years from now…

Do you know of this time machine? This machine is called Parenthood.

Today is my youngest daughter’s 5th birthday. I am pretty sure this time machine just took me past years 3 and 4 but I don’t think I have stopped at year 5…. This has kinda hit me hard today… the past 5 years have truly flown by. I am pretty sure I will feel this every year. I also have an 8 year old daughter and I had this EXACT same feeling on her 8th birthday… I swear, the time machine skipped years 4, 5, 6, and 7…

I was warned about this. WE ALL have been warned about this. The warnings include, “don’t blink”, “time flies”, “enjoy the ride” … I hear this all the time… I am genuine when I answer, “I know, don’t remind me” … but everyone still reminds me…. because…just maybe…they are still riding in the machine?