The Sunday Evening Ache

Do you know anyone that does?


Boomtown Rats

I don’t like Mondays.

Sunday Evening Ache

Its that time again…. The Sunday Evening Ache.

What song will get me through this week?

I heard a song on Pandora this weekend… I can’t get it out of my head…

Five O’clock World by The Vogues

I have heard it in one of my favorite movie soundtracks of all time. My mom would play this a lot. I have a lot of memories of my mom playing the “Good Morning Vietnam” soundtrack tape. YES … TAPE…. I would have the entire soundtrack memorized, the songs, and even the Adrian Cronauer bits. The funny thing is, as much as I loved the soundtrack, I was too young for the movie, so I wasn’t allowed to watch it…. But I am telling you, I really think the music is great on it!

It’s and “Oldie but a Goodie”


I have also heard this song from one of my favorite TV shows of all time. The Drew Carey Show. It was one of his many different opening segments.

Have a great week… help each other get through it!

Today’s Funny – 12-9-12

I am not the biggest comic strip fan, but there are two that I will read from time to time… Peanuts, and Dilbert. Peanuts is a stable of any Sunday newspaper. Dilbert… well for me, its true life.

There have been some Dilberts lately that are way to close to my real world work scenarios. The strip below is one of the more recent ones that really hits close to home. Now, I do understand some will not laugh, or get this, but my fellow coworkers…. they get it! So I guess, this post goes out to them!

Office Space and Dilbert… I truly believe they inserted my work life in different scenes or in different strips.

How about you… Does Dilbert do anything for you? Do you find the Humor?

Need to pick up a coworker something small for the holidays? Don’t forget to get your Dilbert 2013 calendars! Or Dilbert books and collectibles. Available at Amazon!





The Sunday Ache- Nov 4 2012

It’s Sunday. Just like anyone else right about now… I have an ache in my stomach. It always occurs on Sunday evenings. Its the “going back to work ache”. It’s not like I was off for a week. It was just a typical weekend. But for some reason, man it really aches tonight. Its not a fact that I do not like my job… I’m just not feeling it today…

So in my toolbox today, I am breaking out my 80s music collection.

Finest Worksong

A great song to get motivated to go to work.

I have a song in my head that hopefully will get me through tomorrow. R.E.M’s – Finest Worksong.

If I wasn’t going to work, what would I do with my time off? Probably nothing. And I would do it very well.

So if Finest Worksong is Mondays song… I guess I would have to wait a few days to play “Working for the Weekend”

What song gets you through the work day, or gets you motivated to go to work?