Ways To Save Money

Some are simple, but a lot of people do not do these…

My Personal Finance Journey and Tips

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAI have read many personal finance books and blogs and I have created a list of my favorite ways to save money.  The more costs you can cut, the more you save. Every penny adds up.

  1. Shop around. This goes for anything and everything that is a constant expense for you (insurance, cell service, internet, etc.)  I try to shop around at least once a year to see if I could be saving more somewhere else.  If I find a lower rate than what I am currently paying, I will call my existing provider and sometimes they will offer to match that price.  This is even better since you don’t have to go through the hassle of changing providers.  Cable companies will almost always try this.
  2. Share services with neighbors or friends. Examples of this would be trash service and internet.
  3. Get rid of services you do not use (extra…

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